They are simply mistaking politeness and a different culture for whatever they project upon the women. Their fantasy about these women is a complete delusion. Of course, this is a performance for other men, and the women are not real people to them so they cannot take up this information. I cannot imagine anything more ridiculous and stupid as these assumptions about the people and the places that they have, and it’s simply grotesque to imagine these fools bumbling around other countries with their dollars in their pockets supposing they are special because the dollar buys more. Besides the sexism and misogyny they probably inflict on women wherever they go, the colonialist attitudes are utterly revolting. Amazing after a bit of travel they still don’t even realize how stupid they look! It makes you never want to be a tourist ever again in case you are trailing in the wake of such utter bozos.

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Thank you for writing and reporting on this.

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Thank you for reporting on this. For these frighten little boys “traditional women” means women who are vulnerable and powerless. Traditionally women could not vote, go to college, or have secure, good-paying jobs. These men are not hyper masculine. They are frightened little boys who can’t relate to women who have choices - like the choice to reject them. These boys seek traditional women b/c educated women w choices reject them. Secure, masculine men like Obama & Clinton marry educated, competent women who are their equals. I was in the military. I have no respect for the men who marry women w no choices. I suppose it works for them: he needs to feel superior b/c he really feels inadequate and usually is - these guys are not that bright - and she needs a meal ticket.

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What is exploitative with a commercial sex relationship between consenting adults? Exploitative means an unfair exchange. Prostitutes in most countries, including the developing world, generally earn more money per hour than doctors and lawyers in their own country. If these women earn comparatively high wages in their country, why is this an unfair exchange?

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Very informative piece. Oh hell, I might be a passport gal in 2025 if a Republican wins next year.

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Great story Philip ❤️

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